

This is a Public Opinion Page. Comments on topics relevant to citizens living in Midway, Utah are welcome here. Messages & Milestones reserves the right to edit for clarity and brevity. Submissions for this page can be made at MidwayUTnews@yahoo.com 


October 25, 2017

What Makes Midway Special?

by Jonathan Clegg, Midway resident, Civil Engineer

Recently on Ask, Midway's facebook page the record and sincerity of one of our mayoral candidates were called into question. Insinuations were made about her service to our city, her concern for it, and her experience in its government. The only evidence supporting these claims where copies of two zoning maps, one from 2001 and one from 2009. These two maps were clearly different. The implication of the post was that these differences were all bad and that the mayoral candidate was solely responsible for them. And that somehow these differences negated all of her service and the good that she has done.

While this logic is flawed, that is the subject of another post and not the main point I want to make. My point is this: There is a lot of talk about how special Midway is and how we want to keep it that way. I certainly agree with this premise, but having lived here for many years, I know that what makes Midway special is not just open space and lower density developments. While these are important issues, I know that the main reason Midway is special is the kind of people that live here and how we choose to treat each other. Midway is special because we serve and care for each other. Midway is special because we are close-knit and we are interested in each other's well being. Midway is special because we don't engage in the kind of partisan attack politics that are common elsewhere. Midway is special because we can disagree on issues, but still care about each other as individuals.

Please let's not make our disagreements lead to personal attacks. City government is complex even in a small town. Issues are seldom black and white. There are many competing interests that have to be considered. If you have questions and concerns, rather than make assumptions, talk to those involved to find out the real story.


October 24, 2017

Three Reasons to Vote for Celeste Johnson

by Steve Nielson, Midway resident, Physicians Assistant

I have had quite a few people ask me about my thoughts on the MIdway Mayoral race and who I am supporting. I want to publicly state that I am supporting Celeste Johnson for Mayor. Here are a few of the reasons why I made this decision:

1. I was very disappointed earlier this year when the Mayor refused to address the conflict of interest issue that occurred with a member of the City Planning Commission who stood to directly benefit from a proposed zoning change south of Memorial Hill. This should never have been allowed to continue for six months.
2. I have heard the mayor stress the importance of having controlled growth in Midway, but yet we continue to see record growth to the point where a moratorium was requested because the city can’t keep up with the current rate of expansion. It’s easy to forget that the high density developments (occurring and proposed) in our open space is permanent. There is no going back.
3. A group of concerned local residents have formed a group called Pure Midway that is working on creative ideas such as one that would allow current land owners to sell their development rights yet still own and live on their property. Some individuals in the city government have been trying to downplay the efforts of this group telling land owners that people want to take their land away from them which is not true.

We have met with Celeste and she was able answer the many questions that we asked to our satisfaction. I know that growth is inevitable. I’m excited with the prospect of having a mayor that will listen and work with the residents of Midway and is interested in preserving open space and slowing down the rampant growth we have been experiencing.

I know that both candidates are good women who want to do what they think is best for Midway. I think Celeste’s vision is more in line with what I would like to see.


October 22, 2017

The Leadership of Colleen Bonner

by Harold Remund, former planning commission and city council member 

As a significant Midway land owner and former member of the Midway City Planning Commission when we recommended to the City council many of the current ordinances including 50% open space for planned unit developments and 15% open space in all subdivisions. I also served on Midway City Council for 8 years and recommended to the council the trails impact fee which is being used to build trails in the public areas of Midway while developers build trails in the private developments.

Mayor Colleen Bonner has championed and furthered these development concepts  to preserve open space which is maintained beautifully by current home owners associations with the exception of several city parks donated to the city. Mayor Colleen and the council’s latest effort to preserve open space is the homestead ordinance which allows five or more acre lots with minimal development requirements but which can never be subdivided again.

Colleen and I served two years together on Midway City Council and I found her to be a hard working, and conscientious  council person that took her office and the best interest of all of the citizens of Midway seriously. As Mayor, she is a hard worker, a great leader, and has the best interest of ALL of the citizens and land owners of Midway at heart.

Attached is the current open space map of Midway showing all of the open space that will always remain open along with most of the original families who allowed their property to be developed under the current very progressive ordinances. Current Open Space in Midway from Development 


July 10, 2017 

Kindness is the Soul of Midway

by Quinn Calder, teacher, photographer, neighbor
As Midway is going through some growing pains I have been to my fair share of meetings recently. The land right next to me is being developed from cow fields to a 27 house subdivision.

Yellow fields above to become the Indian Summer subdivision. It will include 
27 home with two access points, one on River Road and the other off of 100 
North at about 300 East. The house with a blue roof will be torn down and 
the land will become part of the subdivision. Photo taken from the road on 
Memorial Hill looking toward the west mountains with Mt Timpanogos to the 
southwest. Photo taken October 2016. (c) Robin M Johnson

I have pondered a lot about the current zoning, growth, and open space issues that are affecting the future of Midway and have come to the conclusion that the thing that will kill the soul of Midway faster than development or zone changes would be the lack of civility among our community. Midway was started during an Indian crisis when people from the north and the south came together at a "midway" point and built a fort for protection.
It is my hope that as we go through changes that we can remember our heritage and what truly makes Midway great, the unity among the people that live here. In our opinions, let us avoid condescension, contention, and aggressive tactics and come together and find "midway" points that will be advantageous to all involved. It may take more time but the benefits of being kind will keep what truly makes Midway great.

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